Amir Mahmoud Abdulla became the Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme in March 2009.
Mr Abdulla is currently based in New York and oversees the WFP offices of Addis Ababa, Geneva and New York. Mr Abdulla is responsible for coordinating WFP’s activities and relationships within the UN system, including the many summits and events in 2015 and 2016.
Before moving to New York, Mr Abdulla was the Chief Operating Officer (COO), overseeing the WFP Regional Directors and Directors of Emergency and Field Security and was responsible for leading WFP’s extensive field operations.
Prior to becoming the Deputy Executive Director, Mr Abdulla was WFP’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from January 2008. During his tenure as CFO he led WFP’s successful implementation of IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards), the first large-scale adoption of IPSAS within the UN system.